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Client Portal: Your Blue Pine Home
As we’ve mentioned before, you’re our partner throughout this homebuilding experience. We believe you deserve up-to-the-minute status reports on your building progress, giving you control of each important milestone. Wouldn’t it be nice to spot issues or address questions before they became problems?
Our collaborative building process keeps you informed. We offer a state of the art technology platform where you can check in on your home at any given moment via your smartphone, iPad or desktop.
Once we break ground, you’re client portal is available for use. Here you can view a timeline of your homes building process, see installment updates and photos, insert and respond to notes from your contractors and much more. We make it possible for nothing to fall through the cracks.
Managing your homes building progression helps us exceed your expectations and always stay organized. Whether your building your home down the street or across the state, it’s easy to collaborate with all team members. We guarantee this simple software solution will aid in delivering each project on time and under budget.
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